Tuesday 12 June 2018

Last years willow Vs this years willow!

When I received the advice to fully cut back the willow growth after year 1, I was far from certain that it world work. The theory is that it allows the root systems further development  and that growth rates would significantly increase after this.

The pictures below show the year 1 willow beside the year 2 tree. Bear in mind that in December, both were the same height as the year 2 were cut back.

Year 2 on left, Year 1 on right
Year 2 on right, Year 1 on left

The year 2 plants have almost 1m growth, whereas the year 1 plants have about 200mm. Surprisingly, the Year 2 whips have increased in both height (from 600mm to 1m) and girth (from 12mm to 25mm) quite dramatically.

As you can see, I had to look after weed control again. An afternoons strimming followed by weed killer did the job.

Now that I have two double rows, I can see the plantation taking shape.